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The aim of the article is to put forward the notion of Colonial sicence, understood as a singular formation and as an ideal instrument of analysis wich allos us to a) avoid an overdetermination of the role of the metropoli and/or centers in the development of scientific activities in the colonies and/or peripherial areas; b) understand the internal dynamics of such activities in colonial spaces; and c) enrich and differenciate the diversity of socio-professional roles that were involved in the process of propagation, acceptance and naturalization of scientific practices and ideas. Three mayor roles are siganles out: creole scientific, viceroyal scientific and creole metropolitan scientific.
After a discuccion of recent literature, conclusiones applied to the case of the New Spain in te XVIII century, refering their validity to the whole spanish empire.
4.- No te olvides de verificar la alineación de los párrafos, y los efectos en cada parte del texto.
:v que chingue a su ma el america *silvido*